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CRAVE [To feel a very strong desire for something]

a dance performance, part of Balkan Dance Project – Bulgaria 2019

The production Balkan Dance project called "CRAVE" is created in collaboration with Bulgarian artists

and dance organisations with the additional support by the European Capital of Culture Plovdiv 2019. 


 Few thoughts about the show from the choreographer Stefaniya Georgieva: 

Through movement, dance, Bulgarian authentic music, sensory and intimate work, we will explore the nature

of craving, the cycle of desire, the eruption of wildlife and the suffering that comes from all this. Craving is what

never stops, never ends, because if it is satisfied, saturated, it has the ability to become the weapon of our own destruction. The satisfied craving is a loss of meaning, void, its opposite. Dance performance for the insatiable "hunger" that can never be quenched; about desire and its many forms, the crave to achieve, the need to earn,

to be the first, to know, to be able to crush, to break, possess, to abuse, to say NO. For the attention that I'm so craving for. 

Choreographer: Stefaniya Georgieva

Music: prof. dr. Dimitrina Kaufman and Maria Kaufman - Akademik Nikolay Kaufmann Foundation

 and Konstantin Kuchev

Costume design: Hristo Yordanov and Slaveya Tzvetkova

Dancers: Kalina Georgieva (BGR), Branko Mitrović (BIH), Mojca Majcen (SLO),

Radoslav Yordanov (BGR), Dorina Puncheva (BGR), Endi Schrotter (CRO)

Photography: Ivan-Aleksander Ivanov / Photo-Corps 

Video: P.S.Plam Wolf Videography

Production: ATOM THEATRE, Balkan Dance Project and Festival Velenje 2019

The project is part of the program of Plovdiv 2019 – European Capital of Culture and is financed by

the Cultural Fund of the Sofia Municipality. 

Partners: Art Hotel Simona, DNK space for contemporary dance and performance,

National Palace of Culture, Dance Station,  Cultural Fund of the Celje Municipality., Abomo Art collective,

JSKD Slovenia

Media partners: Licata na grada,

Premiere night: 8th of June 2019- Military Club Stage Plovdiv, Bulgaria

Shows: National centre for performing arts Sofia, Dance Festival Šibenik

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